Tuesday 28 April 2015


K has been teething very badly. He only had two teeth appeared before he turned 1 years old but since his birthday he had four teeth all at once coming through. At points he was so much in pain, he would throw himself onto the floor. He would even push me away if I tried to cuddle him. This is so unlike of K, he loves his cuddles.

With all this going on, he refused the gel with passion. He was in terrible tears, screamed like I poured some chemical that burnt his mouth. He would not take his gel at all, so we could not move onto protein food. I spent all day every day trying to get him eat his 2 full sachets of PKU Gel. It was extremely stressful. I felt so hopeless and had few 'I don't know what to do but to cry' moments. We asked for help and advice from the dietician and the paediatrician on our visit to GOSH. They explained the behaviour which made a lot of sense but I still felt little daunted as it confirmed back that I had to go through the screaming, tears without showing any stress and just had to persevere. Apparently, children at this age (1 year) refuse food, period. Normally parents walk away from the situation and try feeding them later but with PKU child the fight goes on because they have to eat their gel and protein, no choice. You cannot walk away so you have to be strong and persevere. We discussed the option of trying a different substitute with the dietician. We were going to try Anamix Junior powder which you can mix into his milk as an option. This sounded very promising as K loves his milk. I hoped he would not notice any difference to his milk and drink this will take away a lot of the stress. The other benefit for us would be that if he took his substitute with his milk, he will have more room for the 8 exchanges at meal times as he struggles to eat all 8 exchanges a day.

We received our sample pack of Anamix Junior a week ago. They were flavoured so K immediately could tell, it wasn't his usual milk so refused to take it. I tried lots of different tactics but every time he refused so it wasn't as easy as I anticipated. Luckily, he's been much easier at taking his PKU Gel so that is a huge relief. We have now received unflavoured ones, I tried again with mixing into his milk, he refused. He could tell straight away. I stuck to it and he finally took the bottle. Phew! I think I just have to build his taste to it. 

Wednesday 15 April 2015

KUVAN - Government Consultation

There is currently an NHS consultation for KUVAN treatment to be made available through NHS in UK. Deadline is 23rd April 2015. If you haven't  already please go fill in the form.


Click on link here

  1. Scroll to bottom, click on “Complete the public consultation here”
  2. Complete “About You”
  3. Subject of response is “Clinical Commissioning Policy”
  4. Select “Sapropterin for Children Clinic Commissioning Policy” (4th from bottom)
  5. Click yes - top and no at bottom - then submit.
If you want to put something in the comment part at the end you could cut and paste something like this…

"It has been well documented that The European Commission granted a marketing authorisation valid throughout the European Union for Kuvan (BH4) on 2nd December 2008. Kuvan is now being freely prescribed and used in countries such as Netherlands, Spain, Germany, France and Italy not to mention Turkey, America and Canada - however the NHS is still resisting. There is sufficient efficacy to support the claim that Kuvan is safe and improves blood phenylalanine concentrations, relaxes diet therapy and may improve quality of life for many PKU patients."

You can also find the instructions on NSPKU Facebook page. Just look for the post on their page.

Friday 10 April 2015


Cooked sausages
K enjoying his PKU Sausages
Yesterday I decided try out a new PKU recipe. I made sausages using Fate All Purpose Mix following the recipe from Fate Cookery Book. It was a real success, K loved it. I have to say I kept putting it off from fear to be disappointed but I am now relieved. Here's some pictures.

Wednesday 18 March 2015


K had his 1 year vaccines last Friday. He has been a little agitated and Monday he was very poorly with fever as well. Poor thing, managed to eat all his 9 exchanges and 2 sachets of PKU Gel despite teething pain and fever. He has been a very brave little soldier.

Today we received his latest blood test results. His levels is around 475. It has been outside of the range for few weeks so we decided to drop it to 8 exchanges this week. Fingers cross his level will neutralise.

Monday 16 March 2015


I have been meaning to post here but it has taken me this long to find the time to do it. K turned 1 years old 2 weeks ago. We celebrated his birthday at home with grandparents. Unfortunately daddy was poorly in bed.

I was not prepared for his birthday celebration with PKU as it revolves around eating, eating and eating... I attempted a cupcake with Mevelia cake mix. Our 5 year old girl (without PKU) loved them but K has tried a little but I don't think he appreciated it. I think it was purely down to being new to cakes. Never mind he is only 1, many birthdays to come.

He is now on 9 exchanges. He is still having vegetable mash such as sweet potato, butternut squash as well as petit filous, baked beans and cottage cheese.

His favourite food is bananas. He goes apes for bananas! :) He started to feed himself with spoon, he is doing so well and enjoying his food more this way. It really helps that he doesn't fuss over his gel anymore as he is happy to feed himself.

He started bottom shuffling around Christmas, he is getting around very fast nowadays. He recently started holding onto our hands and taking few steps around the house. Early stages of walking attempts...

He is looking so healthy and happy. He makes me proud everyday.
PKU cupcake